Wednesday, January 27, 2010

神 爱我们

天父上帝,我们是何等有福,得称为你的儿女。你说:“我们要照着我们的形象,按着我们的样式造人,使他们管理海里的鱼,空中的鸟,地上的牲畜,和全地,并地上爬行的一切昆虫。”你就照着你自己的形象造人,乃是造着神你的形象造男造女。父神,我们是谁,竟能有这个福分,蒙你拣选,照着你的形象被造。在万物中唯有我们人被高举,有这个权柄治理全地,统管万物并全地。父神,人算什么,你竟顾念他,世人算什么,你竟眷顾他?你叫他比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕(诗8:4-5)我们原是一无所有,你赐我们生命,在永恒的旨意中拣选我们,赐予我们权柄能力,治理神你的世界,神你所造的一切。满心感谢你 父神。
1 我的神!我的神!为什么离弃我?为什么远离不救我?不停我唉哼的言语?
神 你是信实的神,你从不离弃我们。我们和 神你,本来就应该要有亲密如父子,良朋,甚至乎爱人的关系。但我们放弃了这一切,因着罪,因着骄傲亏缺 神你的荣耀。尽管如此,神你依然永远与我们同在,你的爱在此明确实在的显明了。在 你面前,我们的爱何等自私渺小。从远古时代起,人们一直追求永生,长生不老,甚至发明炼丹术,希望能成仙,破空而去。就是现今也有许多的电影,电视剧,小说都以成仙,不老不死为题材,著名小说家黄易的小说另辟新径,他在他的小说中也尝试带出一个思想,人死后有另一个空间等待我们。人,对死后的去处,对永生总是有很多疑问,也一直在寻找答案,但我们卑微的受造者,怎能明白上头的奥秘呢?就如蝼蚁昆虫无法明白我们人的思想一样。永生,就是与神同在这一切原本都只会是天方夜谭,是不可能的事因为 我们都是罪人。但因着神你的恩典,与神同在不再是不可能。神 你每时每刻都在看顾我们,我们所思所想你都明了,你爱我们胜过一切,我们的爱也无法跟你相比。你在永恒的时空里已为我们预备了一切,你看到我们的未来,出于爱拣选我们,出于爱赐下救恩,出于爱赐我们祷告的权柄,因你明了我们的软弱。没有人比你更了解我们,因我们本是出于你。阿们。
神 我愿一生跟随你,一生学习你的样式。我现在还不够成熟,装备还不够,信心也不够大,但我有的就只是这颗单纯向你的心。上帝,我爱你。
Written by Geoff Bullock
Lord, I come to You, let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from grace, that I found in You
Lord, I’ve come to know, the weaknesses I see in me
Will be stripped away, by the power of Your love
Hold me close, let Your love surround me
Bring me near, draw me to Your side
And as I wait, I’ll rise up like eagle
And I will soar with You, Your Spirit leads me on
By the power of Your love

是的,因着神的爱,我必从新得力,“但那等候耶和华的,必从新得力 ,他们比如鹰展翅上腾,他们奔跑却不困倦,行走却不疲乏—赛40:31” 神是爱,爱人如己,爱你身边的人,珍惜身边可爱及不可爱的人,就是彰显神尊贵荣耀的方法。简单但也绝对不容易。

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


2010. New year.It was excited on the first day of new year.Not just because it was holiday on 1 Jan. New year also means new hope, new life, new challenge and a new me.I had thought a lot, about my future, about my studies and about my dreams.And I missed my family. The last time I went back was on May last year. For my sister wedding. Time past by so fast. Its been half years, away from my family, away from my hometown, away from the people I close with. All the memories flashed in my mind.It was not sweet memories, actually.I felt guilt towards my parent, my family.

During my childhood, I am a 'good kid' in front of my parent and my relatives because I always obeyed to my parent and scored in my studies. As long as you score in studies, you are the good kid, right? But I am not a responsible brother. Especially to my youngest brother. He was 6 years younger than me. As an older brother, I should help and take care of my youngest brother. But I didn't. We always fought. And he always injured badly. The bad thing is I never learn from mistakes.I shouldn't behave like that. And now I always feel guilt towards my youngest brother. I love him. I really do. During my high school time, my attitude changed. Of course not the good changes. I stole other people belongings just because they stole mine too. I fought with others because I don't like the Bumis. But I still able to be the prefect and I am a good student in teachers eyes. How satire it is. And at home, I always felt that my parent didn't love me. They love my other siblings more.Of course the fact is they love me more than others.But the eyes of my heart was blind.I can't see or feel their love. I always blames others but I never thought that I am the one who should responsible for this because i am selfish and self-center.
Thanks GOD. HE saved me and changed me during my undergrad's life. I still remembered during my 3nd year, the Chinese new year,it was the most meaningful new year celebration because for the first time I felt that my house was so warm.Is love. I love my parents, my family. GOD have changed me from inside. No one will love us more than our own family members.Except for GOD.
I really hope that after my master I can go back to Miri, back to my family side. Many of my beloved family members haven't accept Christ yet. But I really don't know which way is the right one. Pray that GOD will show me the way:)